
Birthday Shout-Out for 4-16-24

It’s the birthday shout-out from the Kent in the Country Morning Show for TUESDAY, APRIL 16th, 2024!  A reminder, we do the birthdays on the show,...
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Birthday Shout-Out for 4-15-24

It’s the birthday shout-out from the Kent in the Country Morning Show for MONDAY, APRIL 15th, 2024!  A reminder, we do the birthdays on the show,...
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Aunt Verna Survived the Eclipse!

My Aunt Verna made some new friends during this past total solar eclipse!  And, she had a few things to say about the Morgan...
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Take Control Of Electric Bill Anxiety with AES Solar

Before you open your electric bill, do you ever get a little nervous?  Maybe a lot!?!  It’s electric bill anxiety, and it’s time to...
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Birthday Shout-Out for 4-9-24

It’s the birthday shout-out from the Kent in the Country Morning Show for TUESDAY, APRIL 9th, 2024!  A reminder, we do the birthdays on the show,...
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Black Diamond FRIDAY 4-5-24

I had a chance to talk with the folks from the Black Diamond family of businesses on this morning’s Kent in the Country Morning Show!  (Scroll...
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Birthday Shout-Out for 4-5-24

It’s the birthday shout-out from the Kent in the Country Morning Show for FRIDAY, APRIL 5th, 2024!  A reminder, we do the birthdays on the show,...
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Birthday Shout-Out for 4-4-24

It’s the birthday shout-out from the Kent in the Country Morning Show for THURSDAY, APRIL 4th, 2024!  A reminder, we do the birthdays on the show,...
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Aunt Verna is ready for the Mitsubishi Eclipse

Well it was good to talk to Aunt Verna on today’s #KiTC Morning Show, and apparently she was a little confused on what kind...
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Sportsvoice Podcast 03-30-2024

Scott Hudson and Matt Varney had plenty to discuss on Saturday including a new Saluki men’s basketball coach!...
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